• essential baking tools muffin tin

    12+ Recommended Essential Baking Tools for Every Home Cook

    April 17, 2021ooluwole

    If you are here, then you are probably searching for a good list of essential baking tools. As someone who is passionate about baking, I have accumulated a lot of baking tools and gadgets over the years. However, I keep coming back to these 12 tools for good reason – these tools make it easier for me to make all of my favorite treats. Whether you are a beginner baker, intermediate baker, or a more seasoned baker, I’m sure you will find something on this list that you probably already have or need. You could also refer to this list…

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  • Bunny bait for parili blog

    7 Great Easter Recipes that You Should Make This Year

    March 30, 2021ooluwole

    Easter Recipes for the Family Easter is a time of the year when my family and I spend time together celebrating the resurrection of Christ. In pre-covid times, we would go to church and then maybe head out to lunch at a restaurant. This year, things are a lot different. We need to stay at home to reduce the risk of contracting covid. So instead of going to church physically, we will be attending online church. Of course, the kids are still excited about the Easter bunny, and all the bunny treats that come with the season. While I’ll be…

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  • Bruschetta

    Quick & Easy Finger Food for Parties

    March 30, 2021ooluwole

    Need ideas for quick and easy finger food for parties? Thinking of planning a small get-together for the family? Here are a few finger food/appetizer recipes that you can whip up really quickly 1. Genoa Salami Puff Pastry Appetizer This savory puff pastry appetizer is one that you can whip up really quickly. All you need is some puff pastry which you can buy or make at home, shredded cheese, Genoa salami and some egg wash. The Puff Pastry Base The base of this appetizer is nice and crisp on the outside, while the texture is really soft, buttery and…

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  • a quick bread recipe

    Need a Quick Bread Recipe? Here Are 5 Yummy Recipes!

    March 7, 2021ooluwole

    What is a Quick Bread Recipe? A quick bread recipe is a recipe that includes a chemical raising agent such as baking powder or baking soda, instead of a biological raising agent such as yeast. (*yeast is a living organism) I’m sure your next question is probably about whether cakes and muffins are quick breads. The answer is “Yes”. Cakes, muffins, scones, pancakes and, biscuits are considered quick breads. The benefit of a quick bread recipe versus a yeast bread recipe is that the chemical raising agent reacts immediately with the other ingredients. As such, there is no need to…

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